Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Cafe Talesai

Café Talesai along Olympic Boulevard is an upscale Thai restaurant in Beverly Hills. Upscale, BH, what do you expect. As Marvin and I entered, with hesitation after passing by more than a dozen times, I thought I saw Ashton Kutcher, only to find out later was just a look a like. He is hot though, and so were a few of his mates on the table next to us. Well, this is a small restaurant.

On with the food, err entrees. They advertised dishes at less than $10 on the door, so when I saw the menu with $20 dishes I knew I was in Beverly Hills indeed. We ordered fried tofu, green beans with garlic and Thai fried rice. When the dishes arrived on small plates, I was disappointed, good thing it was 9:30 PM and we weren’t looking forward to a hearty meal. But this is a Thai restaurant and we paid $35 including tip for vegetarian dishes!!!

Not worth the trip, not even Ashton’s look a like sitting close by.


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